How Movement and Bellydance support my EDS Body

Sharing another post I made in a thread on an Dancers with EDS group. The parent had asked how they can help stabilize her daughter’s very flexible body so that she can keep dancing and this is the info I shared about what my daily routine is-

My exercise routine is sort of like an expanded CARs (controlled articulated rotations) PT routine but using dance with different angles, speeds and directions daily. Doing the same exercises will not build muscle strength for stability, variability is the only thing that can target a wide variety of muscles. I am 56 and I have to live in this body for another 40+ years (I hope), so I have a daily routine to song lists I add to constantly and play on shuffle to get the endorphin hit to motivate me to dance. I do at least two songs a day and change my angle and positions of torso and limbs each day of the week- Let’s say something like each Tuesday is alternating between horizontal upper torso movements and lower leg movements...always changing tension, speed, angle and size each week. Then maybe Wednesday is vertical full torso articulations front to back and side to side alternating with arm rotations, again with different tension, speed, angle and sizes.

You can also check out Jeannie di Bon's zebra exercises also, they can help Zebras (people with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome/EDS) understand why stability is important and how to build it.


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